IT Business Alignment
Literature Review and AREVA T&D Case
146 Seiten
21 x 14,8 x 1 cm
Erscheinungstermin 01.07.2011
Bestell-Nr. P86924070
ISBN 978-3-86924-070-1
146 Seiten
21 x 14,8 x 1 cm
Erscheinungstermin 01.07.2011
Bestell-Nr. P86924070
ISBN 978-3-86924-070-1
49,90 € (inkl. 7% Mwst)
Zum Inhalt
The integration of IT into the business life imposes a ubiquitous problem upon IT-Managers. Since more than two decades IT-Business Alignment presents itself as a controversial and complex topic, much discussed among researchers and practitioners. For this reason, the author of this work provides a profound and high-quality literature review comprising more than 266 articles in A-rank journals, conference papers and practitioners examples. These papers are structured by a successfully applied framework in order to classify the identified literature. A handicap in IT-Business Alignment clearly derives from its lack of application in practice. On this account, the identified literature is applied at a practical case. In addition to this, the determined measures are evaluated in respect of their impact and practicability. At last, a summary, conclusion and outlook subsume the findings of the work and identify existing as well as potential future problems.