254 Seiten
21 x 14,8 cm
Erscheinungstermin 20.11.2023
Bestell-Nr. E96091609
ISBN 978-3-96091-609-3
Zum Inhalt
Therefore, this volume aims to explore the different facets of Romani literatures on two interrelated axes. First, the essays explore the status of several diverse works as transnational world literature. Second, the contributions examine the significance of writing as a form of social engagement and self-empowerment. What emerges is the observation that mainly women authors have been speaking out and standing up for their rights as women and Romnya.
With contributions from
Oksana Marafioti, Ana Belén Martín Sevillano, Martin Shaw, Kirsten von Hagen, Marina Ortrud M. Hertrampf, Emilia Kledzik, Florian Homann, Paola Toninato, Sidonia Bauer, Lorely French, Viola Parente-Capková
Contents (page 5-6)
Lorely French and Marina Ortrud Hertrampf
Introductory Reflections on Romani Literature(s) as Engaged World Literature (page 7-19)
Oksana Marafioti
Borderlands (page 23-27)
Ana Belén Martín Sevillano
Representing the Romani Self: Trauma in Autobiographical Narratives (page 29-46)
Martin Shaw
Political Interventions in Space and Place in Uriah Burton’s Uriah Burton “Big Just”: His Life, His Aims, His Ideals (page 47-65)
Kirsten von Hagen
“L’oiseau que tu croyais surprendre/Battit de l’aile et s’envola”. Rewriting and Mythic Bricolage in the Work of Contemporary Francophone Roma Authors (page 67-85)
Marina Ortrud M. Hertrampf
(Romani) Biofiction as World Literature: A Case Study of Núria León de Santiago’s Mahler’s Angel (page 87-95)
Emilia Kledzik
Roma Art as Postcolonial Contact Zone: Re-Enchanting the World by Malgorzata Mirga-Tas (page 97-121)
Florian Homann
Las Gitanas and the Female Perspective in the Rewriting of Spanish History: Oral Tradition and New Meanings in Flamenco Lyrics by Romnja Performers (page 125-144)
Paola Toninato
The Work of Memory in Female Writings of Romani Holocaust Survivors:Philomena Franz and Ceija Stojka (page 145-165)
Sidonia Bauer
Arguments on the Empowerment of Sinti*zze and Rom*nja Through the Resource of Social Space in Travelling Communities (page 167-182)
Lorely French
Kinderweihnachten 1944 in Ravensbrück: Memories of Austrian Romni Ceija Stojka as World Literature (page 183-206)
Marina Ortrud M. Hertrampf
Female Empowerment Through Literary Overwriting of Stereotypical Images of Romani Femininity. An Exemplary Analysis from Spain: Sally Cortés Santiago’ Novel When the stars are silent (2018) (page 207-223)
Viola Parente-Capková
“Thanks to her ‘dissident’ status, she was granted cultural asylum.” The Figure of Romani Woman Artist in Kiba Lumberg’s Literary Work (page 225-247)

" Approaches to a “new” World Literature " von Lorely French, Marina Ortrud M. Hertrampf (eds.) ist lizenziert unter einer Creative Commons Namensnennung - Nicht kommerziell - Keine Bearbeitungen 4.0 International Lizenz und unter dem DOI 10.23780/9783960916093 (https://doi.org/10.23780/9783960916093) abzurufen.